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Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine

News - PDMU

2019/2020 School Year

14th Feb 2020
P3 loved learning about Chinese New Year as part of their topic ‘Celebrations’....
12th Feb 2020
Primary 5 enjoyed taking part in the ‘What’s your story?’ 5-week...
24th Jan 2020
It is National Compliment Day! 🌟 We love giving our friends compliments everyday...
10th Jan 2020
Primary 1 had great fun this week learning through play ‘At the Hospital’....
15th Nov 2019
Our Year 7 children have received their PATHS Pals Training and have hit the playground!...
15th Oct 2019
P7 had a fantastic afternoon working alongside Lindsay McSparron to undertake ‘PATHS...
24th Sep 2019
P1 love learning through play! We have been developing our skills, knowledge and...
5th Sep 2019
Today our wonderful new P1 children met their ‘PATHS Pals’ for the first...

2018/2019 School Year

16th Apr 2019
WOW! The total amount of sponsorship money raised after Buddy’s Big Workout...
24th Mar 2019
In class we have really enjoyed learning about the different ways to stop and think...